Gaslighting: the series

Hello there! Happy New Year!

If you haven’t already heard, #gaslighting was the word of the year for 2022. I’ve mentally filed this under both sad and not surprising.

Gaslighting isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s been flickering its flame for many, many years in all of the areas of our lives.

In this series, I will discuss how gaslighting appears in different relationships and provide you with a few tips on how you can protect yourself.

To start us off, check out this article I wrote for CH2 Magazine. It provides a basic overview of gaslighting and includes a few suggestions if you find yourself being gaslit. You can read the article here.


Sheila Tucker is a licensed marriage and family therapist and founder of Heart Mind & Soul Counseling. She specializes in working with couples and individuals to strengthen their relationships so they can connect more deeply to themselves and each other. When not in the office, you’ll find her walking her pups or planning her next vacation with her husband.


When Gaslighting Occurs in the Workplace


Couples, Arguments, and Reactions