Coloring to Reduce Stress

That’s right. Grab your crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paints, and prepare to color.

In a quick search on Amazon or a trip to your local craft store, you will find an array of coloring books geared toward adults. So, what’s all the hype about coloring?

Researchers – yes, that’s right…this topic has been researched – have discovered that the act of coloring can relieve stress. Coloring activates the part of the brain that stimulates creativity, as well as relaxes the part of the brain responsible for emotions and survival instincts. Hello, reduced anxiety and stress!

Not only that, often thought of as mindless, coloring is oh so mindful. What? Think about it: you’re selecting colors and staying in the lines.

You’re totally focused on what you are doing in the present moment – bam! that’s being mindful. If you don’t believe me, watch a little kiddo color. They are laser focused on their coloring sheet (or the wall) and the colors they want to use.

While I was in graduate school, I took several classes that challenged my creativity and asked that I create artwork to express a topic. My go-to in these instances was to create a mandala. What is a mandala, you ask?

There are a couple of answers. For some, mandalas are geometric patterns that symbolize an internalized or emotional experience. For others, a mandala is simply a pattern of shapes forming interesting artwork.

I found the act of creating a mandala and then coloring it meditative. I didn’t care about papers due or presentations that needed to be tweaked.

I was more focused on finding the right shade of blue and coloring in the lines. It was amazing that for a moment in time, my only concern was choosing the next color to add to my artwork.

Want to give it a try? See below. I’ve created a free mandala coloring sheet for you to download, share, and color. Here’s hoping you notice a sense of peace and calm while you’re coloring…if even for just one little moment in time.

Mandala Color Sheet pdf

#selfcare #coloring #mindfulness #meditation #anxiety #stress #mandala #freestuff


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