What not to say to someone with an anxiety disorder
Anxiety, Anxiety Relief, Tips and Tricks Sheila Tucker Anxiety, Anxiety Relief, Tips and Tricks Sheila Tucker

What not to say to someone with an anxiety disorder

While most people experience times of worry and anxiety, there's absolutely no comparison to what people with anxiety disorder experience. Sure, it was most likely uncomfortable. Yet, given enough time, the anxiety subsided, and you were on your way. Anxiety disorder is a different beast. Most of the day, every single day, they are entangled in intense feelings of worry, guilt, and shame. Many will experience panic attacks. And there's an underlying fear something dire will happen. Not to mention the swirling storm of competing thoughts, usually of the "what if" variation. There's an overwhelming sense of being out of control. Thereby pulling you to try to control anything and everything in your path. There are rarely any exceptions. To say that anxiety is challenging is an understatement. While the person with anxiety is experiencing an internal battle for control, the person watching feels helpless and confused. It's mentally and emotionally taxing for everyone involved.

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Simple Mindfulness Exercises To Ease Overwhelm
Mindfulness, Anxiety Relief, Stress Relief Sheila Tucker Mindfulness, Anxiety Relief, Stress Relief Sheila Tucker

Simple Mindfulness Exercises To Ease Overwhelm

Overwhelm, it happens. Let’s face it: as the holidays approach, schedules will become more packed, and the chances of being overwhelmed will increase. But how can we move through life with more peace even while there’s chaos in the background? Below are a few simple mindfulness exercises to help ease overwhelm.

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3 Ways to Navigate the Holidays if You’re an Introvert

3 Ways to Navigate the Holidays if You’re an Introvert

Being an introvert at this time of year can be tricky, especially with the expectations, events, shopping, and family gatherings. First, let me dispel some myths about introversion—many introverts like people and socializing. Really...we do. The difference is that we get overwhelmed or exhausted if we have to be “on” for a long time. If you’re also a compassionate person, go ahead and multiply that by at least two.

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3 Common Myths About Meditation Debunked
Anxiety Relief Sheila Tucker Anxiety Relief Sheila Tucker

3 Common Myths About Meditation Debunked

Meditation. It's a popular buzz word that often gets tossed around a lot. And although it may seem a bit mainstream, there remain a lot of questions and myths around meditation. Like what is it exactly, and am I doing it wrong? I was too afraid to ask the same questions when I first began meditating years ago. So, let’s clear up three common myths about meditation.

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Stretching the Body and Mind

Stretching the Body and Mind

Do I work through the discomfort? Do I welcome the negative voices, knowing they only want to keep me from harm, not from accomplishment? Or do I buy into the moment’s uncomfortableness and believe the negative chatter or stop moving forward? What about you? Do you work through the discomfort?

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