Engine Lights & Self-Care
self care, Self compassion, stress relief Sheila Tucker self care, Self compassion, stress relief Sheila Tucker

Engine Lights & Self-Care

There’s nothing like it: a sunny, almost cloudless sky, nearly zero humidity, the wind gently blowing through my hair, and me putting on a sold-out concert in my car.


It shown brightly on an otherwise dark dashboard. My check engine light was on…again—the second time in a week. The bright orange engine indicator was all a glow.


Like my car, I, too, need a tune-up. Being true to form, I typically ignore the signs. Pretending it doesn’t exist. (Hand over eyes…la la la.)

This time, I’m tuning in. Here’s what I’m doing this time.

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Simple ways to include self-care in your daily routine

Simple ways to include self-care in your daily routine

I mean, think about it: when we’re stressed, almost everything can seem complicated and like a chore. By reducing that weight by just an ounce, we’re setting ourselves up for more favorable returns. But what is self-care? I loosely describe it as an intentional way to meet our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. That sounds good, right?

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