3 reasons therapy might not be a good fit for you (right now)
Therapy, Tips and Tricks Sheila Tucker Therapy, Tips and Tricks Sheila Tucker

3 reasons therapy might not be a good fit for you (right now)

Therapy can be an incredible experience of growth and personal insight. It can help you to learn new skills, a new way of looking at what's going on in your life, and how to form a better relationship with yourself and others. I can literally go on for hours talking about the benefits of therapy; however, I will not. Instead, let's talk about why therapy may not be a good fit for you…at least not right now. Let me start with a caveat.

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Simple Mindfulness Exercises To Ease Overwhelm
Mindfulness, Anxiety Relief, Stress Relief Sheila Tucker Mindfulness, Anxiety Relief, Stress Relief Sheila Tucker

Simple Mindfulness Exercises To Ease Overwhelm

Overwhelm, it happens. Let’s face it: as the holidays approach, schedules will become more packed, and the chances of being overwhelmed will increase. But how can we move through life with more peace even while there’s chaos in the background? Below are a few simple mindfulness exercises to help ease overwhelm.

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3 Ways to Navigate the Holidays if You’re an Introvert

3 Ways to Navigate the Holidays if You’re an Introvert

Being an introvert at this time of year can be tricky, especially with the expectations, events, shopping, and family gatherings. First, let me dispel some myths about introversion—many introverts like people and socializing. Really...we do. The difference is that we get overwhelmed or exhausted if we have to be “on” for a long time. If you’re also a compassionate person, go ahead and multiply that by at least two.

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Creative Ways to Increase Self-confidence

Creative Ways to Increase Self-confidence

There are inherent dangers once we tread outside the norm. We could embarrass ourselves, we could fall flat on our faces, or we could do amazing things and, at the same time, experience the feeling we’re a fraud. The longer we pay attention to these unhelpful thoughts, the more likely they are to become our beliefs. Eventually, it’ll become our truth, and we won’t even question their existence. These unhelpful beliefs will become the distorted lens through which we view life. And they’re far from rose-colored.

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Diving Off The High Dive

Diving Off The High Dive

You don't realize how high up you really are until your toes are gripping the edge of the board. As you're staring at the tops of the trees, the pool seems so far away. This seemingly simple measure of fun and excitement now takes on a feeling of fear with your heart in your throat. The reality, it only takes one small step to hurl yourself into the deep end. And yet, you're frozen. Too frightened to move forward and equally afraid to admit defeat. What do you do?

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3 Common Myths About Meditation Debunked
Anxiety Relief Sheila Tucker Anxiety Relief Sheila Tucker

3 Common Myths About Meditation Debunked

Meditation. It's a popular buzz word that often gets tossed around a lot. And although it may seem a bit mainstream, there remain a lot of questions and myths around meditation. Like what is it exactly, and am I doing it wrong? I was too afraid to ask the same questions when I first began meditating years ago. So, let’s clear up three common myths about meditation.

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Burnout: Finding the Positives
Burn Out Sheila Tucker Burn Out Sheila Tucker

Burnout: Finding the Positives

Whatever you call it- fried, crispy, burnt- burnout is hardly seen in a good light. But what if I told you there were positives right dab in the middle of all that smoke? Before you roll your eyes in disagreement, hear me out.

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Accepting Compliments and Acknowledging Achievements: Why is it so freaking difficult

Accepting Compliments and Acknowledging Achievements: Why is it so freaking difficult

What if we walked across life’s stage and believed the compliment giver was right? Or believed with our entire being that our achievements were worth celebrating because we worked hard and we deserved it?

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